Thursday, May 10, 2012

Weekly Weed Number One

I think I'm going to try to keep up with a new weekly post on my web called the "Weekly Weed." This is my first year in my library, and in a brand new library building. My assistant told me that when they moved into this new building that they weeded the collection and brought what they had left over. I am a diligent and determined "weeder" of library books; in other words, RUTHLESS! If the book is old, worn out, out of date, or otherwise inappropriate for our developing collection, it is not needed in the library. I learned in librarian school ~smirk~ that if your shelves are full of unused books, no one will know that you need new books! Fortunately, for our students and faculty, the administration is pro-library and has given us funds to purchase many new books this year. We've also had some donated by retiring teachers, family members, and other faculty members. I am always on the prowl for new books to show our students and teachers.

Our students are heavy AR users, so if a book isn't AR, they practically won't even look at it. Sad, but true. I've weeded the fiction, everybody, and finally, nonfiction sections of the library. I found so many interesting books during these weeds that I decided to feature some of them. Unfortunately, I decided this AFTER I had already distributed most of the fiction and everybody books. Here is a picture of my nonfiction weeds:

Here is my first Weekly Weed:

Crackerjack Halfback, by Matt Christopher, has a copyright date of 1962. Catcher with a Glass Arm, by Matt Christopher, has a copyright date of 1964. Both books were last checked out in 2005. Both have AR tests! Both books have sewn bindings, and both had their spines taped at some time. I'm amazed at the shape they are in. Unfortunately, the way they look is why students aren't checking them out. They look too "old fashioned and old," according to my boys.

I hope you enjoy my weeds as much as I am! Check in next week for the next highlighted book from our former collection!

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