Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Round Robin Reference Centers

Every year about this time, I start reviewing the reference books that students might be asked about on their state tests. I created a worksheet that has questions that match up with the available reference materials I have on hand in the library: dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, and almanac. Our most current almanac is from 2008, so I explained that information gathered from these resources, especially the almanac, might not be the most current information. The students learned that they can look online for the most up-to-date information available from these types of reference materials. I particularly like Fact Monster because it is colorful and easy to use. Here are a couple of pictures of students working in small groups to complete their center information sheet:

Friday, February 17, 2012

Judy Moody "Me" Collages

Ms. Adams had her class read and listened to a Judy Moody book, and then they created these magnificent "Me" collages to adorn the library and hallway of our school. We are so proud to be able to show off our students' work in the library. Great job Ms. Adams and class!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Graphic Novel Excitement at COE

The students at our school are nutty for graphic novels! Here are some of the ones we have in our library that are most popular:
If you ever doubt the value of the graphic novel, please view this Youtube video by Michael Dahl who presented at the Oklahoma Technology Association/Encyclo-Media Conference in Oklahoma City last week.

Maybe we should keep the importance of reading graphic novels to ourselves - the kids don't need to know WHY they are good for them - just that they are FUN!

Groundhog Day

I'm a little late posting this entry, but I wanted to add our Pre-K and Kinders' prediction of what Punxatawney Phil would predict for this year. As you can see from our picto-graph, they predicted the same outcome that Phil did: 6 more weeks of winter!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

American Girl Valentines

I found this quote on my Pinterest board today. Boy, does it ever say what I am thinking every single day! So many things happen each minute of my day here in the library. Kids, teachers, and other staff members come and go all day and something is happening all around the school each second! Today, being Valentine's Day, we have parties in the classrooms, a program being presented by the fourth grade classes, and I finally hosted the first of our monthly American Girl activities.

The girls talked about why they liked reading the series they had chosen to read and they all surmised that it was because they identified with the American Girls in some way or another.

We made Valentines for teachers and staff in our building who might not otherwise receive V-day cards, including the custodians and specials teachers. It was so much fun! The girls can't wait to come back next month!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Jan Brett Author Study: A Visit from Hedgie!

My friend, Emily Hiatt, from the Martin Nature Center, brought her hedgehog and her rabbit to visit our kindergarten and fourth grade classes.

 The kindergarteners listened to several Jan Brett books, including The Hat and The Mitten, so they were excited to see a real (not Hedgie - Pumba) hedgehog!

 Emily also brought skulls from a bear and a rabbit, along with footprint impressions from a fox and a badger.

The students were pretty grossed out (and some were intrigued) by looking at a preserved vole/mole in a jar! Everyone got to pet the hedgehog and the rabbit. We learned that hedgehogs are not good pets because they are considered to be wild animals, not domesticated.

Even the teachers got into it!

iPad Research

During November and December, the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders did research reports. Here are some pictures of kids using the iPads to do their online research.

Third graders studied Native American tribes, Fourth graders researched states, and Fifth graders researched Colonial American occupations.

They had fun using the iPads in the library. Some teachers are checking them out and using them in classrooms, too!

Native American Research Reports

Third grade teachers helped me work on a collaborative research report with their classes. Ms. Parker's class shared their folders with each other in the library.

Kindergarten Leaf Man Display

After I read Leaf Man to the Kindergarten classes, Mrs. McGee's class made their own "Leaf Man" pictures with fallen leaves. We were so pleased to display their artwork in the library.

Bedlam at COE!

Our school has graduates from both OSU and OU and they are all proud of their schools. Here are some decorations that appeared in the library!

Out of this World Book Fair!

I went up to the school over fall break and set up the book fair. Luckily, one of the teachers' daughters helped me out a little bit.

We were pretty successful! In fact, we passed our goal! It was pretty funny to see Mr. Johnson get a pie in the face! We were able to purchase lots of new books for the library.

American Girls at COE

Girls who read and pass two tests on American Girls books will be invited to attend monthly activities to extend the books. This is the display of our AG books in the COE library:

COE Celebrates Pets

A teacher at our school, Ms. S is asking students and staff at COE to donate items and $ to the Central OK Humane Society. I decided that it would be fun to have all the teachers write a little story about their pets, especially if they were rescue pets. Here are Lucky and Pete, two dogs who were rescued and given new, happy homes. We have a whole wall of stories and pictures of animals who were rescued by members of our faculty and staff. What lucky animals!

Central Oak Library

Here's a great picture of our library facility. We have lots of great natural light coming through the large windows on the east wall and brand new furniture for students to use!

Through the window, you can see one of our school's computer labs. When it is available, classes in the library use that lab to learn how to safely surf the web and use the library's Destiny Search Engine.