Monday, February 6, 2012

Jan Brett Author Study: A Visit from Hedgie!

My friend, Emily Hiatt, from the Martin Nature Center, brought her hedgehog and her rabbit to visit our kindergarten and fourth grade classes.

 The kindergarteners listened to several Jan Brett books, including The Hat and The Mitten, so they were excited to see a real (not Hedgie - Pumba) hedgehog!

 Emily also brought skulls from a bear and a rabbit, along with footprint impressions from a fox and a badger.

The students were pretty grossed out (and some were intrigued) by looking at a preserved vole/mole in a jar! Everyone got to pet the hedgehog and the rabbit. We learned that hedgehogs are not good pets because they are considered to be wild animals, not domesticated.

Even the teachers got into it!

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