Thursday, March 8, 2012

"Speed Booking" or Would you date this book?

I know others call this activity something else, but I'm not that quick-witted when my sinuses are blocked from allergies. I have been doing some weeding in the library and I'll write another post about that soon, but I have found many books that I don't recognize as having been checked out this year. The kids aren't looking at the the bottom shelf in my library, so a lot of books are being ignored. I am attempting to solve this problem by storing my reference books (encyclopedias, etc.) on the bottom shelves in the library and moving the fiction (chapter) books up a shelf and over a bit to where the reference books used to be. Here is what it looks like now.

Do you have any thoughts as to this arrangement? Before, the library assistant, the students, and I were all practically standing on our heads to see the books down there!

Anywho, I've had my kids speed dating with books from the library. I made a little ratings sheet for them to complete as they are giving the books a thorough preview and sharing their first impressions. They are actually taking this activity seriously! It may be because I'm making it an important and fun activity, and having teachers participate as well.

I will be taking their advice on some of the books I had them review. Comments have ranged from "the book is ugly" to "this would be a good book for a 3rd grader doing an animal research report." The students have been giving thought to their answers and even surprising their teachers with their insight!

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea! Would love to know what your rating from included.
