So, this was quite a summer, the Summer of 2014. If you get grossed out by pictures of scars or stitches, please don't scroll down!
I spent the summer either in the hospital having surgery, laying on a bed or couch, and/or sitting in a recliner recovering from total knee replacement on both knees (8 weeks apart)! I am still recovering while working as a librarian here at Central Oak Elementary School. My recovery is going extremely well, considering that this type of surgery is one of the most intrusive you can have. I go to physical therapy three times a week and just try to take it easy on work days.

New Book Allocation
I am so incredibly glad to be back at work and yesterday I found out that our library is going to receive an allocation of $9.00 per student again this year! We will quickly put together a purchase list and I am trying a "preview box" from Smart Apple Media for the first time this fall. If you have had experience with that company, would you please let me know what you liked or disliked about them.
Lesson Plans
Every week, I ask that my teachers send me a copy of their lesson plans for the following week so I can prepare materials and books to enhance what they are teaching in the classroom. After I received them from the first teacher, I sent out a reminder email to the entire staff. I also included that the teacher who sent them to me first was going to receive their choice of bagel from Panera. I've never received lesson plans from our counselor, and I received plans for every other grade except fifth grade within 10 minutes! Oh, the power of food!!!
I hope you are having as good a week as I had! Enjoy your new school year!
I spent the summer either in the hospital having surgery, laying on a bed or couch, and/or sitting in a recliner recovering from total knee replacement on both knees (8 weeks apart)! I am still recovering while working as a librarian here at Central Oak Elementary School. My recovery is going extremely well, considering that this type of surgery is one of the most intrusive you can have. I go to physical therapy three times a week and just try to take it easy on work days.

New Book Allocation
I am so incredibly glad to be back at work and yesterday I found out that our library is going to receive an allocation of $9.00 per student again this year! We will quickly put together a purchase list and I am trying a "preview box" from Smart Apple Media for the first time this fall. If you have had experience with that company, would you please let me know what you liked or disliked about them.

Every week, I ask that my teachers send me a copy of their lesson plans for the following week so I can prepare materials and books to enhance what they are teaching in the classroom. After I received them from the first teacher, I sent out a reminder email to the entire staff. I also included that the teacher who sent them to me first was going to receive their choice of bagel from Panera. I've never received lesson plans from our counselor, and I received plans for every other grade except fifth grade within 10 minutes! Oh, the power of food!!!
I hope you are having as good a week as I had! Enjoy your new school year!